

Surya Stamps Bali is a company based in Bali located at Jalan Kopral Limbuk, Pisang Emas I/2, Banjar Tengah, Desa Ketewel, Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia.

Surya Stamps Bali managed all kinds of philatelic related business and activities such as :

1. Provide Philatelic and related items and collection including :

a. Indonesian from 1946 to present

b. Netherland Indies, Jaoanese Occupation, Revolution

c. overseas countries

d. Mint and used stamps

e. Souvenir sheet, minisheet and special edition

f. First day cover

g.Post cards

h. Postal history  

for inquiries please contact email : suryastampsbali@hotmail.com or visit our Ram Gallery at above address. for sms or telepon please call 62 0817554032 or 62 085205576729

2. Banknotes, coins and others.

3. Event organizer for annual philatelic events in Bali popularly call BALIPHEX

4. Consultant for philatelic event

5. Philatelic travel and fair both in national and international.

6. Partner for Benoa Port Postal Service

7. Partner for education purpose of Wisma Foundation

8. Consigment of philatelict and numismatic collection for most major art shops, museums, hotel and galleries in Bali island.

9. Partner for Centre for Philately and Numismatic Studies with more research and development program for philately and numismatic in Bali and also national/international area

10. Main partner of PD PFI Bali (Indonesian Philatelist Association) to promote and maintain philatelic spirit in the island of Bali
